Did you miss part 1? Click right here!
When we left off, we were just getting to the cake gobblin' provided by the great dog-friendly cakes Kara & Remington made for the par-tay. I can't recall everything that was in them, but I remember there being shredded carrots, whole wheat, and cinnamon and honey in the frosting!
Oh, and a side note.. I swear we don't let our dogs eat at the table on a regular basis.. this was strictly for-pictures-only purposes!
Dash was the lucky pup who got to go first!
Cake. Cake. Cake. Cake.
The bottom right seems to say, "This ain't my usual kibble!"
Getting a little help from his mommy.
"I dunno what I did to bring upon this joyous night.. but I hope I do it again!"
Dewey was next! He carefully inspected his treat before digging in.
After a few tentative licks of the frosting, he declared it awesome and inhaled the whole top in one big wharf.
"Pooey, no more frosting!"
"Ugh.. I think I might hurl."
"This isn't a joke, right? Getting on the table and eating what I found there, I mean? This isn't going to end badly for me, is it?"
"No? Ok then. Om nom nom nom."
Dewey definitely loved the frosting part the best, so we let him lick what was left off of the candle.
Not to be left out of the festivities, Dexter also got his own mini cake. Typical of Dexter's careful personality, he gave his plate a good once over before touching it.
A few tentative tastes..
The verdict? Yummy! Ever since he was a baby, Dexter takes the treats he wants to slowly savor to a private spot to enjoy. The fact that he moved his cake to the floor is him giving his seal of approval!
While we set up for the group nibbles, Dash searches for extra cake. Dewey was not amused.
And they're off!! nomnomnomnomnomnom.
*slurp chomp chew gnaw urp*
The hats kill me.
Dewey once again disrobing his cake of its frosting.
Gremlin faces!! Surely you all remember Dexter's famous gremlin face from this post, yes? Dexter and Dewey are territorial about food and are usually fed separately in their crates. Kara and Remington stayed right behind them so we could break up any squabbles. Luckily, all we got was a few hilarious snarls at the end, while Dash, obviously a much more polite pup, glances at the camera as if to say, "Look at those bozos!"
Happy Birthday to our boys!!
Patti Tobener
I just wanted you to know that everyone knows chocolate is bad for dogs. Shame on you for feeding a corgi chocolate. I had a friend who made a cup cake just by stacking dog treats on a plate and putting a candle in it. Please be responsible with your corgi's when celebrating birthdays.
Erin @ Brownie Bites
There is no chocolate in the pupcakes or in the frosting.
This is SO cute!!! I wanna have a corgi b-day party with your pupcakes!!
Great shots! The whole ordeal was hilarious!
Love it! Hilarious faces!