It's the first day of fall and what better way to celebrate than with Pumpkin Spice Oreos? Usually I review a food during my first experience with it, but since I've only been blogging about new Oreo flavors since the winter, I knew I had to back track a bit and give Pumpkin Spice its time in the spotlight.
I had to cut the end off of the package since Nabisco seems to have removed those convenient re-sealable pull tabs from the top. This makes me sad, since now I have to either tape the bag closed or use a Ziploc to keep the humidity from seeping in, and no one likes a soggy Oreo. But anyway, moving on...
Even as a Tennessee native, orange is not one of my favorite colors. However, I adore orange in the context of fall. The cozy color screams crisp air, fuzzy sweaters, and that sound the dried fallen leaves make when the wind blows them around. Yep, from mid-September through Thanksgiving, the color orange is my pal.
The smell of Pumpkin Spice Oreos took me right back to exactly one year ago when I tried them for the first time. Nostalgia is usually a welcome emotion, but smelling these cookies landed me back in my 8-months-pregnant body with all of the aches and pains and annoyances that come with it. Triggers aside, the Oreos smelled just as I remember - exactly like a creamy pumpkin pie with a little extra hit of vanilla from the Golden Oreo cookie.
Let's talk about the color of the filling. I appreciate that the color is a close representation of pumpkin puree (though there is most definitely no real pumpkin puree to be found here) instead of an artificial candy-colored orange (though there most definitely is a plethora of artificial flavors going on here). Imagine how cool it'd be if we had an actual spiced graham cookie as well. I'm kind of shocked that Nabisco hasn't done that yet, considering they did bust out a graham cookie for the S'mores Oreos from the summer.
Pumpkin Spice Oreos contain one of the softest creme fillings of all of their offerings, it's even got a bit of a sheen to it. I bit into one and, yep, there it is, those comfy cozy spices that scream "FALL!" and "HOLIDAYS!" The pumpkin flavor is there as well. My brain tells me that I'm eating a pumpkin pie with a vanilla crust, and that's a very good thing. The whole thing is delicious, albeit very, very sweet, but that's par for the course with Oreo. In fact, I could probably shorten every single Oreo review on this blog to: This Oreo tasted like a _______, a very sweet version of ________.
This is a limited edition flavor you don't want to miss, but if you do, I'm sure it'll be back again next year. Out of all of the limited edition Oreos I have tried, this flavor remains firmly in my list of top 3 favorites.
Where to buy them: This isn't a store exclusive, so you should be able to find them at your regular grocer. I got mine at Food City.