Let's get right into it with our costume reveal: The Evolution of Technology. Jasper had been begging for months to be an iPhone. It took some deciphering, because he kept calling it a "telephone" and we thought he was referring to a regular landline phone (that I don't think he's ever used or seen outside of books and TV). After showing him some pictures to get a better idea of what he meant, he said, "I want to be a MAMA phone!" Oh... an iPhone.
We wanted to continue our tradition of a themed group costume, because who knows how long they'll let us get away with this? So that's how our theme was born. Matt describes our group as, "What Happens When Artifacts From The 80's Get Married And Have Babies"
The morning after Halloween I had a fun message on Facebook... a local news network put our photo on TV that morning!! How cool!
But now let's back it up a bit. Our official festivities started by a trip to Boo at the Zoo the Sunday before Halloween. Jasper was excited, Shelby wishes I'd get the camera out of her face.
The entire zoo was covered in adorable painted pumpkins that are decorated by local children ahead of the event. Shelby kinda spazzed about seeing them all and wanted to say hi to them all.
She was particularly excited about seeing "Pickey Mouse!"
We had *very* limited motion because, yeah, we were wearing literal huge boxes and were waddling around like Gumby. So to make sure we could keep track of Shelby we used one of those bracelet kid leash things. It kinda worked, but girlfriend was so excited about those pumpkins that she kept Matt speed-waddling to keep up with her!
It was a gorgeous, sunny, and windy fall afternoon.
The main event of Boo at the Zoo is the Trick-or-Treat trail.
Come on, dada!
Jasper is the opposite of shy. He's never met a stranger. He marched up to each station and shouted the magic words to collect his loot.
Shelby was enthralled with all the costumes. Matt wanted me to get a picture of her "awe-face" as we passed each booth.
They really loaded up.
I need - no, really - I need that giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. I'd put it in my yard. All year. My HOA would love it.
Sometimes she ran ahead, and sometimes she got totally distracted by something awesome. I don't think her brain could take it all in!
Aweface x2.
There was this little graveyard with lots of hilarious tombstones.
The purple dragons and "scary light tunnel" were a big hit with Jasper.
Double waddlers.
I'm a fan of the old school style decorations, myself.
Ho-hum, I'm attached to daddy. Life is hard.
More of the adorable pumpkins.
Costumed employees were stationed at different points along the trail for photo ops.
Jasper's birthday is October 21st and Shelby's is November 15th, perfectly flanking Halloween, so we did a quick 10-minute session in our yard in cute festive clothes.
On Halloween, I set out my usual treat bags for the ghosts and goblins that would come a-knockin'. I love making these bags each year.
Matt's parents came by to hand out candy while we trolled the neighborhood for the goods.
This is their second time Trick-or-Treating. Boo at the Zoo was a good warm-up, so it didn't take them long to get into the swing of things.
Jasper's old enough now to walk up onto the porch and ring the doorbell all by himself. He was a good example for Baby Sister.
I helped Shelby learn how to keep her bag on her shoulder (she wouldn't let me carry it for her!) by keeping her arm up, so she got a workout because she refused to put that arm down!
This house had a three day-old baby, yet still managed to create some adorable pumpkins for the occasion. That's dedication.
Ooh, we can just take our own candy?
We decided not to wear our costumes that night, because we were a little worried about being able to maneuver quickly to keep the kids safe while walking on the streets.
This neighbor goes all out every year and I love them for it.
Still keepin' that arm sky high! We tried to get him to be all cute and lead Baby Sis down the street by the hand, but he was having none of it. Oh well, at least the picture is sorta cute?
But we're no slouches. Halloween decorations are so easy to slam on the house and look festive with very little effort, and a few colored light bulbs and some flame projectors really up the spook factor.
Reader Questions:
What's your favorite and least favorite candy?
What did you dress up as for Halloween this year?
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