It's been way too long since I've shared some new peanut butters with all of you, so let's fix that right this second, shall we? Today we's gonna talk about Nut Butter Nation, purveyor of small batch flavored peanut butter made with simple, wholesome ingredients that you can feel good about putting in your body. When Grant, the "Chief Grinder" at Nut Butter nation reached out to me and made me aware of what they do over there, I knew I had to get my paws on some as soon as possible.
Plus, I may be a little partial to these folks because they are located not too far down the road from us in Nashville, TN.
With flavors like these, I knew I was in for a real treat. And I love cute surprises included with the packaging of any product... small personal touches like that make a big difference, even something as simple as a few pieces of candy tossed into the box with your order.
Right on the label are some ideas behind what encouraged the creation of this brand.
Nut Butter Nation Salted Caramel Peanut Butter had my eye the second I saw it sitting in the box and I could barely wait to try it. I've tried scads of flavored nut butters but have never tried one like this. As I'm a fiend for both salted caramel and peanut butter by themselves, I was so excited to see those two things combined in one pretty little package. I steeled myself before taking a bite, expecting it to be extremely, overpoweringly sweet, but after tasting it I was pleasantly surprised to find that the amount of caramel added does not overpower the peanut butter, and is instead a great complement, adding just enough salty naughtiness to create something really unique.
I see myself using this flavor as a finishing touch to treats and desserts instead of eating full servings of it on its own (though if you want to make yourself a big ole salted caramel peanut butter and marshmallow creme sandwich, you go on with your bad self!). This would be amazing drizzled onto some good vanilla bean ice cream, too. As is, I'm totally impressed with this variety and it's now one of my favorite flavored nut butters ever. I can truthfully toss out a 10/10 recommendation and I think it's worthy of a purchase to give it a try.
Nutrition Facts for Salted Caramel Peanut Butter
Nut Butter Nation Honey Vanilla Peanut Butter was next on the docket. This combination of flavors isn't anything surprising since everyone on the planet knows that honey and peanut butter is a delicious mix (and if you haven't had those two things together, please remedy that situation post haste). After stirring in the oil I gave it a taste. The vanilla earns its spot in the name of the flavor and its addition is what sets it apart from other honey peanut butters that I have tried. The result is wonderfully creamy with the hit of vanilla strengthening the individual flavors of both the peanuts and the honey.
Nutrition facts for Honey Vanilla Peanut Butter
Nut Butter Nation Brown Sugar Cinnamon Peanut Butter was the third flavor I tried. Having tested many cinnamon varieties during my long-term love affair with nut butters and knowing that they tend to be my favorites, I was setting the bar high for this flavor. The ingredients are peanuts, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Such simple ingredients, but an absolutely killer combination. Though the brown sugar is listed first, the cinnamon takes center stage as the most prominent contribution to the flavor, pairing brilliantly with the authentic taste of the ground peanuts. The addition of a little extra salt was a smart move here that completes the balance of the brown sugar and the powerful cinnamon so that one does not overpower the other.
As with the other flavors, this one is best enjoyed in small servings. I recommend drizzling it judiciously over breakfast carbs such as pancakes, Belgian waffles, or French toast, smeared lightly onto a toasted English muffin or bagel, or you could add a small dollop to your morning oatmeal. As a snack, it's wonderful on whole grain rice cakes, graham crackers, or with crisp apple slices.
Nutrition Facts for Brown Sugar Cinnamon Peanut Butter
Overall: Nut Butter Nation has got a solid product here. I can't think of any major gripes for any of the flavors that I tried, I'm a fan of all of them. As with most flavored nut butters, they are fantastic for drizzles or stir-ins for other dishes or desserts and that's how we will likely use all three of these until the jars are empty... and then I'll use the almost empty jars for some bangin' overnight oats!
Where to buy: Nut Butter Nation flavors can be purchased online or in select local retailers. You can use the store locator on their website to find out if they are available in a store near you.
Get a Discount: Use code: BROWNIEBITES15 when checking out on the website and receive 15% off of your entire order!
I was provided a complimentary assortment of Nut Butter Nation peanut butters to try to share my opinions with all of you. Our reviews are always honest!
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