Huggies Snug 'n Dry diapers are my go-to for busybody toddlers.
I'm still cruising through my first tour of motherhood with my 17-month old son who is a whirling tornado of energy and attitude. He's an all-out no-buts-about-it toddler and with that comes a whole new host of interesting experiences and challenges. I never thought I'd catch myself saying that I miss changing a baby's diaper, but that was before my baby became a toddler. Suddenly, diaper changes were a whole new ball game. Heck, they're now an entirely different sport and I've had to write a brand new playbook on how to survive keeping my dear one in clean nappies day and night.
Here's a list of some of the things I never knew about changing a toddler's diaper.
Hammin' it up for the camera - don't trust that sly little grin!
They Won't Lie Down. Your sweet newborn is content to lie calmly on the changing table while charming you with coos and toothless grins. As soon as that baby hits toddlerhood, though, getting him/her to lie down for a diaper change is akin to wrestling an alligator into a pair of overalls. My toddler will have six-pack abs by the time he's 3 due to all of the core engagement going on as he tries to sit up while his legs are in the air. Choosing a diaper that has easy fastener tabs helps me be as speedy as possible.
I admit, I'm a sucker for cute diapers.
They'll Bring Out Your Inner Thespian. Distraction is key when trying to change a massive Code Brown on a toddler who seems to have sprouted 8 extra arms and legs oscillating in different directions all at once. You'll pull out your best dance moves while belting out a heartfelt rendition of "Defying Gravity" - literally anything to keep him/her still and prevent the situation escalating from a diaper change to full-on bath time.
Comfy diaper, happy toddler.
Pee-Soaked Morning Cuddles. You're enjoying nights of blissful sleep if your toddler is sleeping through the night, but now you're faced with those five-pound diapers once your little one awakes. Sometimes you'll find that the diaper hasn't been up to the task and the front of his/her jammies are wet, requiring an instant trip to the changing table. My toddler puts up a mega fight if I try to transition him from the crib directly to a diaper change, so choosing a diaper that'll keep him dry for the duration of those long nights can delay that early morning change for a few minutes while you soothe him/her with some cuddle time.
Huggies moves with my speedy toddler and keeps the leaks at bay.
They're Constantly On The Go. Since newborns do little more than lie around and be adorable (okay, they can also produce loud noises) it's a little easier to avoid those unwanted diaper blow-outs. Toddlers, though? They never.. stop.. moving. The endless wriggling and rolling and pouncing and climbing and falling and twisting and jumping can make diaper containment a tricky issue if you don't have a reliable diaper that will allow your toddler to practice his/her Baby Zumba without fear of messy mishaps.
Gymnastics on mommy and daddy's white bedding calls for extra leak protection!
Those Little Hands Are Curious. Toddlers are discovering and learning about everything in their little world, and that includes exploring what's going on down below while getting cleaned up. While you would never dream of touching anything to do with using the bathroom with your bare hands, a toddler is all too willing to see just what these full diapers are all about! Toys, clapping games, or forbidden objects (like the remote or our cell phones!) are great ways to keep those adorable chubby fingers busy.
Yeah, just try and keep him still!
Even If You're Fast, You're Not Fast Enough. Being swift is paramount to a successful toddler diaper change, but even if you move at light speed you will still occasionally be met with a view of a pair of baby buns scuttling away from you (probably with some giggles as well). There's not too much you can do in this situation other than sigh, smile, and chase them down with tickles and kisses. They're only this little for so long, right?
What are some of your funny diaper changing experiences or stories? Let me know in the comments and then pick up some Huggies Snug 'n Dry diapers at your local Kroger to help avoid leaky diapers getting in the way of your busy days. Shop at Kroger during the "Baby Me" Event going on between 3/20/16 - 4/2/16 and spend $40 on participating baby items so you can receive a $10 off coupon good towards anything at Kroger. (while supplies last)
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesatKroger
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