Brace yourselves, the pumpkins are coming.
Though summer doesn't officially end until September 22nd, Labor Day is often touted as summer's last hurrah. All signs are pointing to fall - schools are back in session, the days are slowly but surely getting shorter, and wearing white is a huge no-no (just kidding, I don't even think that rule exists anymore). Personally, I can't accept that fall is coming until I can be outside for an extended period of time without sweating through my clothes, regardless of the date on the calendar.
But regardless of when summer is actually, truly, really really for real over, the truth is that the days of beautiful stone fruits, berries, and melons are coming to a close. But don't fret, there's still plenty of time to grab the last of the beautiful seasonal produce and indulge in these delicious treats.
1. Peaches and Cream Tea Floats by Thirsty for Tea
You'll never look at ice cream floats the same way again.
2. Rooibos Honey-Roasted Plum Popsicles by Vigor and Sage
Basically summer on a stick.
3. Apricot Cream Cheese Sugar Cookie Dough Parfaits by Bright Eyed Baker
You had me at cookie dough.
4. Matcha Watermelon Cake by Miss Hangry Pants
Stop, just stop. Someone make this for me.
5. Blueberry Pie by VeguKate
Because everyone needs a basic yet wholesome recipe for berry pie.
6. Honey Buttermilk Pie by On a Sweet Sugar Rush
If you haven't had the pleasure of tasting a creamy buttermilk pie, now's the time to change that.
7. Baked Figs and Brie by Acquired Life
Sweet honeyed figs baked with soft, creamy brie. That is all.
8. Amaretto Peach Crumble Cake by Anne's Kitchen
Stone fruits and amaretto belong together, people.
9. Pimm's Orange Soda Floats by Babble Food
Orange soda is perfect all by itself. Until you add vanilla ice cream and Pimm's. Then it transcends perfection.
10. Goat Cheese Ice Cream with Blackberry Red Wine Swirl by Katie at the Kitchen Door
I don't even know what to say about this except that it's amazing and I need to make it right. stinking. now.
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