One of the most obvious features of the Disney Dream is the Aqua Duck water slide that towers high above the pool deck. Because of its popularity, the line for the slide can be monstrous - sometimes lasting an hour or more. We chose to bide our time and finally got a chance to ride it when we returned to the ship early after a day on Castaway Cay to find the line significantly shorter.
To find the slide, go to the pool deck and head aft. It'll be hard to miss the line of folks waiting to ride. It's a good idea to claim a couple of lounge chairs on the deck to leave your towels, shoes, and cover-ups before getting in line, since you'll obviously be getting wet!
The slide is 765ft long and though a height of 42" is required, it's a tame ride. We were amused waiting to board our raft, because the ride attendants sounded like a broken record as they told each passenger, "If you get stuck, stay still, and we'll send more water through!"
At the beginning of the slide, you go through this loop that sticks out over the edge of the boat, offering you a lovely view from 150ft above the surface of the ocean. Don't forget to wave!
Here's a video of our ride!
The record for most number of rides on a single cruise is held by a 65-year-old woman, who rode the Aqua Duck over 100 times on a single cruise. If that's not the cutest thing I've heard all summer, I don't know what is.
Pro-tip: the best time to hit the slide and avoid the lines is mid-morning on port days, after people start to get off of the ship. Another good time to go is during show/dinner times (6:30 and 8:30pm).
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