Thanksgiving Day, we journeyed Southward to spend the day with family. Our first stop was at my bro and SIL's house to visit with them and see their brand new puppy.
Ok, I pretended to visit, but I really only cared about the puppy. Can you blame me?
I kid, I kid.
But, just look at this little lady. Her name is Bella.
Toothless puppy grins do something crazy to my heart.
It's not all fun and games, being tiny and adorable. Turn your back for a moment and look what sneaks up on you!
At least they seem to get along.
Oh my.
No puppies were harmed in the making of this blog entry.
Here we see the culprit up close. Take notes, kids. You'll be identifying him in a lineup later.
From puppy to curtains in 3.245 seconds. This one is going to be a handful, for sure!
Bella, not one to back down, revved up for round 2.
Who wins? Stay tuned, my little ones.
This handsome stud's name is Murphy. I'm told that he is SIL's favorite, but shhh. Bella is far too young to endure such emotional trauma.
Roof Helmet ·
actually, the best type of blog is the photoblog because pictures speak a thousand words *
They are sooo cute!