A few weeks ago, we babysat Dewey's brother, Dash, for the weekend! One sunny afternoon, Matt took everyone outside for some serious, serious fetch time.
Uh oh..
Did someone say..
Corgi stampede!
I do believe someone mentioned.. fetch?
Round 1: Dexter! Did I mention Dexter does not like to share?
Trading a little paint.
"That son of a @#$% just slammed into me!"
"No, he didn't slam into you, he didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you.. he rubbed you. And rubbing, son, is racing."
Name that movie.
Round 2: Dewey! Dexter looks uncharacteristically joyful for someone who just lost his ball.
Dash? You OK, buddy?
Dex and Dewey HAZ TWO HAPPYZ
Dewey? You might want to open your eyes.. I think there's something behind you.
Seriously, child, you can't let things just sneak up on you like this!
And put that tongue away while you're at it. You're going to bite that thing off one day!
Round 3: Dexter!
Round 4: Dexter again! He wouldn't have it any other way!
Round 5: ... Dexter. Come on, son, haven't we taught you that sharing is caring?
I guess not.. Dexter again! See, he thinks all the attention is on him in this photo, but he has no idea what is happening behind him.
He doesn't want to know.
You don't want to know, either.
Good boy, Dewey! Way to show him who's boss!
Alright, everyone over here for a group photo! Hey.. over here!!
No no, now that's too far. See, Dexter has it right.
Seriously boys, enough with the tongues.
Dash: You wimps, it's not THAT bright out here. You don't see ME squinting, do you?
No wonder he's so sad when he comes home. He just mopes around the house for days.
"Geez Mom & Dad, why can't you have TWO more Corgis for me to play with at ALL times....YAWN"