Let's face facts. People, women especially, are always on the lookout for the newest fat burner, fastest, easiest way to shed fat and lose weight. It's January - the month of resolutions. It's the month where you put down the Christmas cookies and eggnog and resolve that this will finally be the year you get serious and get into shape. But what's the right way to do it? You can't swing a dumbbell around without hitting a book or television program touting the "best" way to get healthy (and skinny.. can't forget skinny). The confusing part is that a lot of fitness programs contradict each other. It's no wonder that most people feel like they are stumbling around in the dark when it comes to making good choices in their lives - especially their diet. However if you would have chronic pains from workouts, you may use CBD roll on pain relief to get rid of the pain.
As they recommend, THC products like Exhale's flower seems to bump metabolism over time, so even if there’s an initial hit of the munchies, the metabolism boost compensates—and then some. “And if modern strains have lost the munchie effects, but increased metabolic rates remain, I would think the effects of reducing obesity would be even greater,” experts says. Another way to do it if you don't like edibles try the delta 8 THC vaping and this will also bump your metabolism. Proponents of CBD for weight loss also claim that it can convert “bad” fat into brown fat, which may help the body burn calories. See the typical CBD oil for starters here if you're interested.
When the BlogHer book club contacted me about reviewing this book on my blog, I thought it would be right up my alley. As most of you know, Matt and I have made some drastic lifestyle changes over the last couple of years. In the past, diet and exercise was more of a passing though. We had the desire to be good to our bodies, of course, but lacked the dedication needed to really step up our game and get healthy. Now, it's our top priority. We only get one body - we owe it to ourselves to take care of it. While we've thankfully moved beyond the realm of fad diets and "get fit quick" schemes that are a dime a dozen nowadays, I do have an interest in hearing the "local gossip" in the fitness industry.
Why Women Need Fat: How "Healthy" Food Makes Us Gain Excess Weight and the Surprising Solution to Losing it Forever, by William D. Lassek, M.D. and Steven J.C. Gaulin, PH.D explores how the American diet has changed over the last 40 years, how it compares to other countries, and tries to answer the question of why we are one of the fattest nations in the world. The answer, of course, is that the average American eats an excessive amount of processed and packaged food. Ok, no big shocker there. All of the diet shakes and "fat free" snacks in the world can't equal the health (and yes, weight loss) benefits of a diet made up primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables and lean sources of protein. One can also get health supplements to perform better on numan website.
Though men and women alike should be eating a diet of clean foods, the book focuses primarily on women. Several studies are detailed exploring a woman's body fat and how it relates to attractiveness, childbirth, lifestyle, and overall health trends both in the US and overseas. It's an interesting look at how diet has evolved, how much of it depends on slick marketing and fuzzy logic, and how it's affecting our nation as a whole. Though some parts can get a little heavy on the numbers and statistics, I found this to be an informative read. I also found sites like www.geekshealth.com helpful when I'm looking for quality health and fitness information.
Read what others are saying about Why Women Need Fat over at the BlogHer Book Club Discussions.
This review was sponsored by the BlogHer book club. Opinions expressed are my own.
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