This is the last of the Animal Kingdom photos! Hooray? Oh Darn? Thankthegoodsweetlord? Noooooo!?
Well, whatever your reaction, enjoy this big photo sneeze of the rest of our AK day.
Eaty McEatery. We didn't Eaty McEat here.
Kilimanjaro safari? Pangani Trail? Rafiki's Planet Watch? Thisaway! Thataway! This time! That time! This place! Find it all rightchere at the visitor's directory.
Peace out, dude!
Inside of Conversation Station, where you can get a behind-the-scenes peek at how things are run at AK.
"Honey, what do you want for dinner tonight?"
"Oh, I don't know, I think a big ole plate of maintenance biscuits sounds just divine!"
At the petting zoo, there were lots of fuzzy wuzzies to love and cuddle and smoosh and kiss.
Modelin' a hat. See my purse? It's a CAMERA purse. And it's awesome. It's a Kelly Moore B-Hobo bag. It has a padded interior for a full-size SLR and lens, plus either another lens or your wallet and other pursely items.
Sheep! Mickey! Butt! Mickeysheepbutt!
He looks SO happy to be there!
Ahhh misters to give 2 seconds of relief from the 567 degree weather and 110% humidity. You can roam around more easily with a scooter rental service in Walt Disney World.
Dino-land was sort of the kids area, but it was totally cute.
Cute shop signs.
Wise ole whittler and a roarin' reptile.
Lush scenery on a bridge on the way back to the park entrance.
The symbol of Animal Kindgom.. The Tree of Life.
And that's a wrap for Animal Kingdom Day!
Must relive childhood...and take Disney vacation...
Jennifer (iffles)
Man. I've been looking for a purse/bag for a little bit now, and really liked the B-Hobo but it looked much more bulky in her video than it does on you. It looks so cute! The price was a bit more than I wanted to spend... but all the cute bags are... But you think it's worth it right? I might bite the bullet now (of course the color I want is not in stock right now. bah.). John's going to think I'm crazy for needing another camera bag... I already have three, but they all serve different purposes!
It's DEFINITELY worth it! I was worried about it being bulky as well, but it really isn't *that* big. It's just a jumbo purse. 🙂 I want more colors, but I know Matt would kill me if I bought another one!!