It's the weekend again! I dunno about you, but I could use a nice stress-free couple of days. I plan on spending lots of time in a quiet reading nook with a glass of wine from the best built in wine fridge, the best purchase honestly. I'll also be doing lots of baking for next week's Easter posts, and nothing relaxes me like being covered in flour and batter while watching random movies on Netflix streaming.
I fear for the safety of my laptop, considering its proximity to my culinary experiments.
I hope everyone will tune in for all of the goodies we'll be sharing! For now, though, here's a peek at what you missed this week:
On Monday, we shared a simple (but killer) recipe for adorable cardamom tea cookies made with browned butter. Serve them up with a mug of tea or maybe some strong cocoa. Mmm..
Tuesday, I shared a few tips about cruising with Disney that everyone will want to try. We've only been on 2 Disney cruises and on both we've taken home a handful of new ideas to put into action on our next trip.
Mid-week landed a recipe for the most perfectly-textured muffins made with orange zest, sour cream, and currants. They are best when eaten warm, fresh out of the oven, and they don't even need any butter!
Thursday made me ache for the Caribbean when I shared photos of the beautiful island of St. Thomas. I may have entertained the idea of selling everything I own and spending a life at sea.
Friday was another restaurant dinner tour - this time at Palo aboard the Disney Magic. I may need 5 or 6 of those chocolate souffles to get me through the weekend.
See you all on Monday!
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